
The light dawns…

To recap: The obesity epidemic began roughly 1978, rapidly accelerated until 1997, then leveled off. When it began, about 32% of the population was overweight, another 13% were obese, and a scant 1% were extremely […]


Corn, corn and more corn…

One possible contributor to the obesity epidemic is… corn. Corn, and things derived from corn, and things related to things derived from corn. Things such as: High fructose corn syrup. Artificial sweeteners. Increased fat consumption. […]


The magic of “stem” cells

People, animals, plants– all begin with a single fertilized cell that divides, and divides, and divides again. These undifferentiated “stem” cells are identical to each other, and in human beings each cell possesses the capability […]


What you don’t see can hurt you

“You’ll never hear the bullet that kills you.” True. And by the same token, you’ll never see the disease that ends your life. Tiny and pervasive, the viruses and bacteria and fungi that invisibly permeate the […]